
July 26, 2024

Interdepartmental round table in Almaty region
Interdepartmental round table in Almaty region
As part of the end of the month on the prevention of drug addiction and bad habits, an interdepartmental round table was held at the regional mental health center at the regional mental health center on the topic: «Mechanisms for the formation of addictive behavior. Prevention of drug addiction and HIV infection». more »

July 25, 2024

Training on the rules of express testing in North Kazakhstan region
Training on the rules of express testing in North Kazakhstan region
A training seminar on the issue of rapid testing was held at the North Kazakhstan Regional Center for the Prevention of HIV Infection. It was attended by specialists from the Center for the Epidemiological Department, the department of treatment and preventive work and clinical examination, as well as paramedics from the Multidisciplinary Regional Hospital. more »

July 24, 2024

Seminars for police officers
Seminars for police officers
Law enforcement officials play an important role in HIV prevention, as they are directly involved in working with population groups at greatest risk of infection (PWID, sex workers, MSM and others). Effective prevention measures among these population groups can stop the further spread of HIV infection and significantly reduce the socio-economic consequences of the epidemic. more »

July 23, 2024

The choice of equipment is a guarantee of the quality of laboratory diagnostics!
The choice of equipment is a guarantee of the quality of laboratory diagnostics!
The laboratory of the AIDS center in Shymkent received a new new generation hematology analyzer that meets all the necessary characteristics. more »

July 22, 2024

Shymkent City AIDS Center is 35 years old
Shymkent City AIDS Center is 35 years old
       Information about AIDS was first published in medical reports and the media in 1982. Soon, in 1987, the disease was registered in Kazakhstan. In order to prevent and combat a new infectious disease, by order of the South Kazakhstan Regional Health Department No. 323-P dated July 18, 1989, an AIDS center was opened in the city of Shymkent, and for the first time, laboratory diagnostics of HIV was introduced. more »

July 19, 2024

It is based on effective prevention
It is based on effective prevention
Since the beginning of the year, new cases of HIV transmission by parenteral route (through blood) in Kazakhstan are 5 percent lower than the predicted level. This result was made possible thanks to effective prevention among people who inject drugs (LUIN). more »

July 18, 2024

More than 40 thousand people were covered by professional events in the first half of the year in the Almaty region
More than 40 thousand people were covered by professional events in the first half of the year in the Almaty region
In the Almaty region, during the first half of the year, 324 events were held for the population, covering more than 41,207 people, including 23 seminars in primary health care, covering 763 medical workers. more »

July 17, 2024

Since the beginning of the year, PREP has become available for more than 3,000 Kazakhstanis
Since the beginning of the year, PREP has become available for more than 3,000 Kazakhstanis
Every year, the number of adherents of pre-exposure HIV prevention (PREP) is growing in the country. This is a type of prevention recommended by the World Health Organization. PREP or PrEP is an effective way to prevent HIV transmission, provided it is regularly used by people without HIV in order to prevent infection in case of contact with the virus. PREP consists of taking medications such as tenofovir and emtricitabine daily. more »

July 16, 2024

The number of people who have found out their HIV status has increased in the Akmola region
The number of people who have found out their HIV status has increased in the Akmola region
According to the results of six months, more than 77 thousand people were tested for HIV in Akmola region, which is five percent more than last year. This was told by Sabira Ashimova, head of the organizational and methodological department of the Regional Center for HIV Prevention. more »

July 15, 2024

PREP is available for migrants in Almaty
PREP is available for migrants in Almaty
Access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP) is expanding in Almaty. Now migrants can buy PREP drugs at a special pharmacy. more »