December 4, 2024

The Baiterek monument in the capital is illuminated in red
The Baiterek monument in the capital is illuminated in red
                Events within the framework of the World AIDS Campaign under the slogan «Choose the right path – the path of human rights» are coming to an end in the capital, one of which was the lighting of the sights of the capital in red, in the color of the international symbol of solidarity and commitment to the fight against AIDS – the red ribbon. Residents and guests of the capital witnessed how the Baiterek monument sparkled with red lights, and videos dedicated to the significant date were posted on the Nur-Alem Expo sphere and the facade of the Kazakhstan Temir Zholy building. more »

December 4, 2024

«Living Library»  at the Republican Medical Academy of Astana
«Living Library» at the Republican Medical Academy of Astana
               On December 3, 2024, in order to implement the Action Plan dedicated to World AIDS Day, a meeting with students of the Republican Medical Academy was held within the framework of the Living Library project. The organizers of the meeting are the HIV Prevention Center, the Zhas Tolkyn Youth Health Center and the Life in Spite Foundation. The theme of the meeting «Violence prevention» is in tune with the slogan of the global campaign «Choose the right path – the path of human rights!». more »

December 4, 2024

Forum of students of the Agrotechnical University
Forum of students of the Agrotechnical University
             In Astana, within the framework of World AIDS Day, under the slogan: «Choose the right path – the path of human rights!», the Kazakhstan Association for Sexual and Reproductive Health (KMPA), in partnership with Chevron, within the framework of the project «No stigma in connection with HIV», together with the HIV Prevention Center, Astana organized a forum for students of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin. more »

December 4, 2024

Charity event in Astana
Charity event in Astana
                  As part of the World AIDS Day, the Public Foundation «Life in Spite» together with the Center for HIV Prevention in Astana organized a charity event «Marathon of good deeds».  The charity event was held to support people living with HIV. On the eve of the upcoming New Year holidays, 82 families of PLHIV received gifts, including 66 children with perinatal contact under the age of 2 years. more »

December 4, 2024

The Medical University held a large-scale event
The Medical University held a large-scale event
              On December 3, 2024, a large-scale HIV infection event was held among first-year students of the Faculties of Pediatrics and Dentistry of the Astana Medical University. more »

December 4, 2024

The call to «Follow the path of rights» remains key next year
The call to «Follow the path of rights» remains key next year
The events dedicated to the World AIDS Day have ended in the Pavlodar region. The list of the large–scale campaign includes actions, seminars and meetings with college students, Youth Health Center, visitors of the Batyrmol trading house, actions at large industrial enterprises of the region, such as Ekibastuz GRES-2 and Bogatyr Komir LLP, departure as part of an anti-drug mobile point.  more »

December 4, 2024

Pupils' essays about HIV infection
Pupils' essays about HIV infection
The results of the essay competition were announced in Astana. The competition was held on the occasion of World AIDS Day under the slogan: "Choose the right path, the path of human rights" in all secondary schools of the city of Astana. It was organised by the Ministry of Education and the Centre for HIV Prevention for students in grades 10-11 from 4 November to 1 December. more »

December 4, 2024

Honored specialists were awarded
Honored specialists were awarded
Today is a special day in our team. On the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Kazakh Scientific Center for Dermatology and Infectious Diseases, several of our colleagues from the Aktobe Regional AIDS Center received state awards. more »

December 4, 2024

To expand access to PrEP
To expand access to PrEP
EpiC and CNDDIZ held a working meeting with pharmacy chains in Almaty on December 2 to expand the availability of pre-contact HIV prevention. more »

December 3, 2024

Conference and student debates at the «Astana» Medical University
Conference and student debates at the «Astana» Medical University
             Within the framework of the World AIDS Day, under the motto «CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH – THE PATH OF HUMAN RIGHTS», a practical conference was held at the Department of Internal Diseases with courses in Nephrology, Hematology, allergology and immunology at the Astana Medical University of the capital, as well as debates among students. more »