November 19, 2024
Бағлан ЖарылқасынұлыProtection of Public Health is the main taskAs you know, the head of state Kassym-Jomart Tokayev announced his next address to the people of Kazakhstan on the second of September of this year. "In the new address ""just Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, public optimism"", 9 main directions aimed at improving the country's economy and increasing its investment potential were considered." In particular, in the address, priority was given to healthcare. In his address, the president noted that in order to solve the shortage of qualified medical professionals, it is necessary, first of all, to maximize the quality of education in the field of Medicine, determine and effectively distribute the cost of grants by ranking them according to the level of educational processes. In addition, the address emphasized the importance of youth development, the development of mass sports. "Our young people should grow up to be healthy and strong citizens. Therefore, mass sports are of particular importance for the preservation of the health of the nation," Kassym – Jomart Tokayev said.
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November 18, 2024
Effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy achieved in Almaty region more than 90%In the Almaty region, for 9 months of 2024, the coverage of antiretroviral therapy (hereinafter - ART) was increased and the effectiveness of ART for 9 months of 2024 was 91% (2023 - 87%). The main goal of antiretroviral therapy is to reduce the amount of virus in the blood and restore the immune system. The effectiveness of treatment leads to the disappearance of symptoms and allows people to live full and healthy lives. People with HIV who take ART do not transmit the virus to their sexual partners, which allows the person to live a full life. Thanks to the achievement of treatment, the incidence of diseases associated with immunodeficiency and mortality from HIV infection have decreased. In Kazakhstan, ART is provided free of charge as part of the guaranteed volume of free medical care.
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November 18, 2024
Towards sustainable developmentThe message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan touches on several key areas important for the socio-economic development of the country, and focuses on problems that require immediate solutions. In his speech, the President proposed strategic initiatives aimed at modernizing the economy, improving the social sphere, as well as strengthening public administration and law and order.
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November 18, 2024
The health of the nation is a strategy for a successful stateThe annual address of the country's President to the people of Kazakhstan is a strategically important document that defines a new stage in the country's development. The sixth paragraph of the Address of the Head of State is devoted to resolving pressing issues related to measures to strengthen the health of the nation and reboot the system of social support for citizens.
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November 8, 2024
Visit of representatives from Karakalpakstan to the Center for the Prevention of HIV Infection in AstanaFrom November 4 to November 8, 2024, representatives of the Republican AIDS Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan visited the HIV Center in Astana.
The purpose of the visit is to study experience in achieving the indicators of the UNAIDS «95-95-95» strategy, expanding services, strengthening and supporting large-scale activities, uniting the efforts of various sectors of society and expanding services aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating HIV infection.
On November 4, guests got acquainted with the structure and work of the HIV Center and the friendly office located on Brusilovsky, 4. During the meeting, they got acquainted with the work of the departments, discussed the basic principles of the electronic tracking system, medical insurance, regulatory documentation, organization of the work of the diagnostic laboratory, work experience with KGN,
epidemiological situation in the city, including based on biobehavioral research data, as well as the implementation of the Campaign within the framework of World AIDS Day. In the assembly hall for infectious disease residents of the Astana Medical University, a master class was held from representatives of the Republican AIDS Center of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
On November 5, with the participation of the capital's HIV Center, a Round Table meeting was held in the Akimat of Astana, chaired by the head of the Public Health Department A. Sh. Rustemova.
The meeting was attended by the Administration of the Akimat of the city of Astana, the Republican AIDS Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Kazakh Scientific Center of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Deputies of the Maslikhat of the city of Astana, non-governmental organizations, Astana Medical University and city medical organizations.
The purpose of the round table: to promote the expansion of activities carried out within the framework of World AIDS Day, which is held annually on December 1, to develop effective measures to reduce the incidence of HIV and comprehensive measures to achieve the indicators of the «95-95-95» strategy in the city of Astana, as well as strengthening measures for interdepartmental and intersectoral interaction on HIV in the capital and the development of Partnerships between friendly countries as a tool for mobilizing the entire society against HIV. Issues regarding the implementation of prevention programs among key population groups, interdepartmental interaction in matters of HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment were discussed.
November 6 - 7, director K.K. Askarov and specialists from the Center for the Prevention of HIV Infection, together with representatives from Karakalpakstan, visited medical organizations in Astana: City Clinic No. 6, City Mental Health Center and City Perinatal Center.
During the visit, the guests got acquainted with the structure of the work of the outpatient service of State Enterprise No. 6, they shared the experience of the Youth Health Center «Zhas Talap» in providing services to young people aged 10 to 29 years, taking into account the behavioral risk factor of counseling on the prevention of HIV infection. The City Mental Health Center conducts preventive training on issues of drug and alcohol addiction, and to reduce the prevalence of use of new psychoactive substances among the city population.
Psychologists conduct conversations with patients in order to form adherence to treatment, provide psychological support in the process of recovery, rehabilitation and adaptation to society. The city perinatal center provides medical assistance during childbirth in women with B20, and provides antiretroviral therapy to HIV-positive pregnant women.
They work according to an algorithm for screening children born from HIV-positive mothers for HIV. Conduct preventive antiretroviral therapy in children born to HIV-positive mothers and provide drug suppression of lactation to HIV-positive postpartum women when a woman chooses artificial feeding for her child.
Based on the results of the activities carried out and as part of the activities to implement the program to achieve the UNAIDS goals 95-95-95 and improve the work on the prevention, treatment, diagnosis of HIV infection and further strengthen the partnership between the Karakalpakstan Republican AIDS Center and the Center for HIV Prevention infections of the Astana city akimat signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.
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November 8, 2024
Live forever and learn!In the Kostanay region, the advanced training course for paramedical workers has come to an end in pursuance of Order M3 of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 155 dated March 16, 2023 On approval of the road map “On the implementation of measures to prevent HIV infection in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2026” on the topic : issues of stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV and key populations.
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