December 3, 2024

Training with rapid HIV testing
Training with rapid HIV testing
A training session with rapid HIV testing was held at the Higher School of Medicine of the Alfarabi Kazakh National University. more »

December 3, 2024

In Kokshetau, doctors held an event in a shopping and entertainment center
In Kokshetau, doctors held an event in a shopping and entertainment center
On November 29, 2024, the Akmola Regional Center for the Prevention of HIV Infection held an information campaign dedicated to World AIDS Day. more »

December 3, 2024

The agenda includes the search for effective tools
The agenda includes the search for effective tools
Topical issues on the further response to HIV were discussed at the CNDDIZ with the participation of international experts.  more »

December 2, 2024

A friendly doctor
A friendly doctor
World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1. Today, the number of people living with HIV continues to grow worldwide. Among the reasons are insufficient prevention coverage, stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV), barriers to receiving services and the reluctance of PLHIV to seek medical help. Recent global studies confirm that people with HIV often avoid seeking help for fear of being judged and discriminated against in connection with a diagnosis or lifestyle - both in society as a whole and in the medical office. "Friendly doctors" in the field of HIV are the most important link in the chain of HIV responses. Hundreds of people owe their lives and health to each of them. One of them is Sayrankul Kasymbekova, Head of the Clinical Monitoring Department of the Kazakh Scientific Center for Dermatology and Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a doctor with more than 20 years of experience in the field of HIV infection. Her work and dedication inspire and give hope to many patients. more »

December 2, 2024

December 1 marks World AIDS Day, which was first proclaimed by WHO in 1988. The purpose of this day is to raise global awareness of HIV infection and demonstrate international solidarity. This year, the motto of the Day, which was determined by the Joint HIV Program/AIDS – "Choose the right path – the path of human rights." Respect for the rights of everyone is the basis for an effective response to HIV. This World AIDS Day is a call to action to protect everyone's health through the protection of everyone's rights. more »

December 2, 2024

Intellectual youth gathered for the Quiz game on the topic
Intellectual youth gathered for the Quiz game on the topic "About HIV"
Aktobe Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS together with the city polyclinic No. 2 with the support of the PF "Bolashak Mura" held an intellectual game Quiz for the youth of the region. The event is dedicated to the World AIDS Day, which is celebrated on December 1. more »

December 2, 2024

Schoolchildren and students were provided with information about HIV
Schoolchildren and students were provided with information about HIV
In Atyrau, as part of the ten-day period dedicated to World AIDS Day, about 30 meetings for high school students and students were held in schools and colleges of the city. more »

November 29, 2024

Youth Forum on HIV issues
Youth Forum on HIV issues
Almaty has joined the Global Campaign in honor of World AIDS Day, which is celebrated on December 1. People around the world are coming together to show support for people living with or affected by HIV infection. The campaign's motto is "Choose the right path – the path of human rights." more »

November 29, 2024

The event dedicated to World AIDS Day was a sell-out
The event dedicated to World AIDS Day was a sell-out
The events dedicated to World AIDS Day, which is celebrated on December 1, are coming to an end in the Akmola region. more »

November 28, 2024

CCM meeting
CCM meeting
 During the meeting of the Country Coordinating Committee for Work with International Organizations on HIV Infection and Tuberculosis (CCM) on November 27, the results of the work of the CCM for 2024 were discussed. more »