November 20, 2024

Aktobe hosted a press conference as part of World AIDS Day
Aktobe hosted a press conference as part of World AIDS Day
As part of World AIDS Day, the Regional Communication Service of Aktobe Region held a press conference dedicated to the topic of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection. Conference speakers: representatives of the regional AIDS center, deputy chief physician Anna Kaspirova and head of the department Aizhan Zhailaubaeva more »

November 20, 2024

A press conference  dedicated to World AIDS Day was held in the West Kazakhstan Region
A press conference dedicated to World AIDS Day was held in the West Kazakhstan Region
The regional telecommunications service of the West Kazakhstan Region held a press conference with the participation of the media dedicated to the opening of the decade for AIDS Day. On the recommendation of UNAIDS, this year the theme of the World Day is "Choose the right path - the path of human rights. more »

November 20, 2024

Briefing with journalists of the Almaty region
Briefing with journalists of the Almaty region
Aspart of the campaign, on November19 of thisyear, a briefingon"WorldAIDSDay" was held at theregional center of the communication service among journalists of the regionand the city of Konaev. more »

November 20, 2024

Volleyball tournament among teachers as part of the Campaign dedicated to World AIDS Day
Volleyball tournament among teachers as part of the Campaign dedicated to World AIDS Day
Asportstournament was held,namely a volleyballmatchamongteachersandmethodologists of the youthresourcecenterunder the Akimat of the Yenbekshikazakhdistrict of the Almatyregion.Itspeculiarityisthat high school studentsandruralschoolteacherscompeteinvolleyball. There are 6teamsgatheredin the gym,2ofwhich are students. more »

November 20, 2024

Briefing for World AIDS Day took place in Akmola region
Briefing for World AIDS Day took place in Akmola region
On November 20, 2024, a briefing was held at the site of the Regional Communication Service of the Akmola Region dedicated to World AIDS Day, which is celebrated annually on December 1. This year's theme was the UNAIDS slogan: “Choose the right path – the path of human rights.” more »

November 19, 2024

The number of people wishing to use pre-contact HIV prevention in Kazakhstan has more than doubled
The number of people wishing to use pre-contact HIV prevention in Kazakhstan has more than doubled
Every year, the number of adherents of pre-exposure HIV prevention (PREP) is growing in the country. If last year there were five thousand of them, this year there are more than 11 thousand people. PREP or PrEP is an effective way to prevent HIV transmission, provided it is regularly used by people without HIV. more »

November 19, 2024

Round table on the eve of World AIDS Day in Kostanay region
Round table on the eve of World AIDS Day in Kostanay region
In all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from November 20, 2024 to December 1, 2024, a ten-day event dedicated to World AIDS Day will be held under the motto “Choose the right path - the path of human rights”! more »

November 19, 2024

Training seminar with students of Suleyman Demirel University  inA lmatyr egion
Training seminar with students of Suleyman Demirel University inA lmatyr egion
On November19, according to the actionplan"Actions of the WorldAIDSDay2024", doctors of the AlmatyRegionalAIDSCenterheld a trainingseminaronHIVpreventionamongstudents of SDUUniversity,locatedon the territory of Karasaidistrict. more »

November 19, 2024

In Almaty, self-testing is becoming an effective HIV prevention trend
In Almaty, self-testing is becoming an effective HIV prevention trend
Over the two years of the introduction of HIV self-testing, more than 6,000 Almaty residents have used this service and learned their HIV status. more »

November 19, 2024

The state social order for the prevention of HIV infection is successfully implemented in the Aktobe region
The state social order for the prevention of HIV infection is successfully implemented in the Aktobe region
Preventive measures among key population groups are carried out by the Regional AIDS Center and non-governmental organizations. Non-governmental organizations have a significant impact on curbing the spread of HIV infection by conducting outreach work using the peer-to-peer method. The high efficiency of these organizations with key groups is due to their access to a hard-to-reach part of the population, where the entry of medical workers is significantly limited. more »