November 27, 2024

Lectures on HIV in business structures of the Almaty region
Lectures on HIV in business structures of the Almaty region
Within the framework of the monthdedicatedtoWorldAIDSDay, lectures were held by specialists of the AIDSCenter of the Almatyregionformanagersandemployees of ALPHAPLASTLLP,AlmatyProductLLPandIntellserviceLLPon the topic"HIVpreventionmeasuresamongbusinessstructures". more »

November 26, 2024

Football tournament in a correctional facility
Football tournament in a correctional facility
As part of the campaign dedicated to World AIDS Day, specialists of the AIDS Center of the Almaty region, together with the probation Service Department of the Department of Penal Correction in Almaty, Almaty region and Zhetisu region, together with the district sports department and the prosecutor's office, held a mini-football among convicts in correctional institution No. 12 in Zarechny settlement of the Almaty region. The head of the educational department, Captain of Justice E. Kairatuly, organized 6 teams of 6 players. more »

November 26, 2024

Atyrau residents took part in an action to prevent HIV infection
Atyrau residents took part in an action to prevent HIV infection
As part of the decade dedicated to World AIDS Day, the Atyrau Regional HIV Prevention Center organized a large-scale action in the Infinity Mall shopping and entertainment complex. more »

November 25, 2024

In the North Kazakhstan region, over the past three years, there have been no registered cases of HIV transmission from mother to child
In the North Kazakhstan region, over the past three years, there have been no registered cases of HIV transmission from mother to child
During this time, more than 30 children were born to women living with HIV in the region. This is the result of the joint work of the HIV prevention center specialists with primary health care workers, obstetrics services and the mothers themselves with HIV+ status.  more »

November 25, 2024

Dialogue about HIV: open, simple, honest
Dialogue about HIV: open, simple, honest
On the eve of World AIDS Day, a meeting with future doctors was held to discuss the most common myths associated with HIV. more »

November 23, 2024

Expanding access to health services for people living with HIV is our priority
Expanding access to health services for people living with HIV is our priority
     The motto "Choose the right path - the path of human rights" is a topic that is relevant in the realities of our time. It is under this motto that the World Campaign, dedicated to World AIDS Day from November 20 to December 1, is held in 2024. more »

November 23, 2024

Landing of doctors and volunteers to the inmates of the colony
Landing of doctors and volunteers to the inmates of the colony
Every year, during the campaign in honor of World AIDS Day, doctors from the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS in Almaty come to the colony- institution LA-11. more »

November 23, 2024

The incidence of STIs is decreasing in the West Kazakhstan region
The incidence of STIs is decreasing in the West Kazakhstan region
On November 21, 2024, a press conference was held on the results of the activities of the regional skin and venereological dispensary of the West Kazakhstan Region for 10 months of 2024. The speakers were E. Olkhovskaya, Director, and J. Sargelek, head of the organizational and methodological office. more »

November 23, 2024

Youth choose the right path
Youth choose the right path
As part of the World AIDS Campaign, an event under the motto “Choose the right path - the path of human rights!” was held in the complex “College of Arts - a specialized boarding school for children gifted in art named after Ermek Serkebaev” in Petropavlovsk. more »

November 22, 2024

Faster, higher, smarter: relay race among students in Petropavlovsk
Faster, higher, smarter: relay race among students in Petropavlovsk
As part of the World AIDS Campaign, a sports and intellectual relay race was held at the M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University. The event was organized by the Regional Center for HIV Prevention, the Petropavlovsk Youth Resource Center, and the branch of the Answer Foundation. more »