Residents of KNCDIZ held a psoriasis school in Atyrau


November 6, 2023

As part of the World Psoriasis Day, the residents of KNCDIZ held a psoriasis school in Atyrau.

Ekaterina Vashchurina and Aigerim Sarsenaly, under the leadership of the Director of the Atyrau City Department of Internal Affairs M. Berdesheva, participated in the clinical bypass of inpatient patients of the dispensary.

At the patient's school, residents informed participants about the etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors, diagnosis, therapy and management of chronic dermatoses.  Ekaterina Vashchurina and Aigerim Sarsenaly also spoke about current global trends in the treatment of the disease and answered questions.

As S. Ospanova, head of the Department of postgraduate Education of the KNCDIZ, said: residents of the first and second years of study actively participate in scientific, practical and social activities of the collective not only of the scientific center and the skin and venereological dispensaries of the country. 

And recently, residents presented their reports at the scientific and practical conference "III Educational Academy of Multidisciplinary Dermatovenerology" within the framework of the World Psoriasis Day with international participation in Almaty and at the competition of the section of young scientists won prizes: 1st place – Asem Sakibayeva with a report "Systemic isotretinoin in the practice of a doctor"; 2nd place – Ekaterina Vashchurina on the topic "Bilogic therapy of atopic dermatitis" and 3rd place was taken by Igor Kireev with a report "TGCS and their application experience".

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