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Ask a question to the specialists of KNCDIZ

Hello, dear site visitor!

On the pages of our website you can get acquainted with the main activities of the RSE at the Kazakh Scientific Center of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, get information about HIV infection, the most common dermatological diseases, sexually transmitted infections.

Here you can leave your message.

We will definitely answer it within the time limits established by the Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2020 No. 350-VI.

In order to speed up the receipt of answers to your questions, we kindly ask you to state the essence of the question clearly and in detail. Before asking a question, you should look for an answer in the blog materials. It is quite possible that the answer to your question is already available, and you will easily get the necessary information.

Please formulate your question within one of the sections:

diagnostics — where to undergo the examination, in what time frame, how to interpret the result of the examination;

medical examination and medical care — when, who prescribes treatment, symptoms of the disease;

prevention — counseling on the prevention of HIV infection.

The appeal can be moderated according to the norms of ethics and spelling rules, and only after that it is published. Your question will be published on the website after the answer to it is prepared.


RSE on PCV "Kazakh Scientific Center of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Dear patients:

 If you received poor quality medical care,

  • If you encounter rudeness from the medical staff,
  • If you have information about illegal actions of the Center's employees,
  • If you have other reasons, please contact the following phone numbers on weekdays from 09-00 to 17-00.
  • +7 (727) 397-42-06 on dermatology issues.

Responsible: specialist of the Patient support service and quality control of medical services Taubayeva Ainur Abimullayevna

+7 (727) 397-41-90 on the provision of advice on HIV infection.

Responsible: doctor Utegenova Aliya Kazievna





 Is it possible to take an HIV test for free?


You can take an HIV test free of charge at the clinic at your place of registration or at the HIV prevention center.




 Does your center provide treatment for psoriasis using phototherapy?


Our center treats psoriasis using phototherapy (ultraviolet irradiation of the skin). To do this, you need to come to an appointment with a dermatologist for an examination and receive a referral for physical treatment. Reception is on a first-come, first-served basis from 9.00 to 17.00. Address: Raiymbek Ave., 60.




 Is it possible to take training in dermatoscopy online?


Training for dermatovenerologists and dermatocosmetologists, including online, will be conducted in March 2023. Cost of training: 60 hours - 60 thousand tenge, 120 hours - 120 thousand tenge.


Do you have any questions? Ask

Bayserkin Baurzhan Satzhanovich

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