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December 15, 2022
"KNCDIZ is a specialized center of clinical dermatovenerology with the development of aesthetic medicine, since beauty is impossible without health, and strategically in the future it should be a reliable springboard in the world of health, beauty and active longevity"!
So, Sanimbala Almeshevna, the head of the Department of Postgraduate Education, speaks with love and a high bar about the Ospanova scientific center
. And proudly adds:
- The specialists of our center are professors, doctors, candidates of medical sciences, masters of medicine and medical sciences, practitioners of the highest category, who are constantly expanding the boundaries of their professional knowledge, participating in international conferences around the world and engaged in scientific activities, possess progressive and innovative medical technologies. The basis of professional success is a fusion of deep theoretical knowledge and unique practical experience of doctors who are ready to share with colleagues the author's methods, practical clinical experience.
Sanimbala Almeshevna completed postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Skin and Venereology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NIKVI, since 2019 - KNCDIZ), where she subsequently worked as a researcher, then head of the Department of allergodermatoses and hereditary Skin Diseases, and then head of the Department of Venereology. In 2018, on her initiative, a residency was organized, the institute was accredited.
Today, cycles of advanced training for specialists in dermatovenereology, AIDS control service and PHC are conducted in the KNCDIZ. Specialists continue their postgraduate education in residency in the specialty "Adult and pediatric Dermatovenerology".
Outpatient and inpatient treatment of patients with chronic dermatoses and STIs is carried out on the basis of the scientific center according to clinical protocols. The center has become an educational and methodological center of the skin and venereological service of our country, where dermatocosmetology, trichology, corneology, podology are being introduced.
Methods such as phototherapy in combination with corneotherapy, balneotherapy and intradermal technologies for the introduction of medicines for vitiligo (common, segmental, acral forms); psoriasis (common, vulgar, plaque, teardrop, erythroderma, arthropathy); lichen planus, nodular pruritus, atopic dermatitis and other dermatoses are widely used.
Doctors use dermatosurgical methods of treating vitiligo after complex phototherapy (UVB 311 nm): transplantation of melanocytes, keratinocytes (cell suspension-skin cell suspension, hair follicle- hair follicle) after dermabrasion of the depigmented skin area.
The center organizes the management of patients using modern principles of root therapy and innovative dermatocosmetology, especially for conditions such as acne, rosacea, desquamative diseases of the scalp: oily, dry dandruff; seborrheic dermatitis; psoriasis, including head, alopecia, etc. Hardware desquamation of the stratum corneum and nail plates with the introduction of medicinal and restorative agents for clinical and aesthetic rehabilitation in keratoderma, onychodystrophy, onychomycosis is widely used.
The Heine 20 T Dermatoscope with Vision Derma software is used in the diagnosis of diseases - digital dermatoscopy allows you to obtain quantitative and qualitative data that cannot be obtained with other methods, or it requires significant time and financial costs. Vision Derma dermatoscopy software is a digital solution for research, reporting and management of dermatoscopic cases, monitoring the treatment of chronic and parasitic dermatoses in dynamics, in addition to melanocytic, vascular and amelanocytic skin neoplasms.
- But the main resource of our center is people, professionals in their field, – Sanimbala Almeshevna continues her story, - Professor Zeynep Batylkhanovna Esengarayevna, doctor of the highest category Kozhaeva Aigul Zeynullovna, teachers: Sukhanberdieva Zarina Maratovna, Idrisova Aigerim Serikbayevna, Iskakova Aizhan Turarbekovna, Arinova Assel Nurtayevna, nurse of the treatment room Bekenova Kamila Batyrkhanovna, laboratory assistant Kuligina Galina Sergeevna and many, many others.
And another very important aspect of the activity of the scientific center is the real prospects. The scientific center has them. For diagnostic purposes, confocal scanning laser microscopy (KJICM) is considered. It allows you to evaluate the morphology of the studied element as in vivo, i.e. to study the structures of the skin in real time, without violating the integrity of the skin, in four dimensions - depth, width, length and time, as well as to control the processes of healing and tissue regeneration. This made it possible to call this method a "lifetime biopsy", and even a "virtual biopsy". KJICM for domestic dermatology is a new and promising method of lifetime study of the morphology of the skin and its structures in various dermatoses and neoplasms.