International conference with the participation of Kazakhstanis


April 21, 2021

International conference with the participation of Kazakhstanis


The International Conference "Epidemiological Wellbeing", organized by the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing in cooperation with the United Nations Joint Program on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS), with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation and with the participation of the World Health Organization, was held in Moscow 20 -21 April 2021.

More than 4 thousand specialists from 70 countries of the world, including Kazakhstan, took part in the conference. The conference was attended by speakers from Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Western Europe, North America, Africa and Southeast Asia. Representatives of our country made presentations at the event: I. Petrenko - Deputy Director of KSCDIZ, A. Deryabina - Director of ICAP in Central Asia, L. Polyakova - Head of the Equal to Equal Public Foundation. The participants discussed the experience of Kazakhstan in organizing an electronic case management system for HIV infection for use in HIV surveillance, patronage of people living with HIV, and implementation of a youth work program based on the Teenergizer model.The conference brought together academics, policy-makers and community leaders to promote and expand global scientific and public collaboration in synergy with other health and development sectors. The participants noted that in modern conditions, sanitary and epidemiological well-being cannot be ensured in a single country without proactive international cooperation in this area with foreign countries, intergovernmental associations and international organizations. Қazaқstandyқtardyңқatysuyme 

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