
Petrenko Irina Ivanovna 
Head of Department of information and analytical monitoring and strategic development  
tel.: +7(727)397-41-91

Мусина Жаннат Жунусовна

Mussina Zhannat Zhunusovna 
Head of Department of Disease Prevention and Public Relations  
tel.: +7(727)397-39-97

Akhmetova Gulzhakhan Mazhitovna 
Head of Department of the epidemiological monitoring
tel.: +7(727)397-42-12

Тажибаева Галия Хаджимуратовна

Tazhibaeva Galiya Khadzhimuratovna 
Head of laboratory of the clinical diagnostic  
tel.: +7(727)277-98-43

Kasymbekova Sairankul Zhuzbaevna
Head of Department of the clinical monitoring
tel.: +7(727)397-41-90

Sadykov Gulamitdin Abdusalamovich
Head consultative and diagnostic Department
tel.: +7(727)397-41-26

Айнур Абимуллаев

Taubaeva Ainur Abimullaevna
Head inpatient Department
tel.: +7(727)397-76-55

Ospanova Sanimbala Almeshevna
Head of Department of the Postgraduate Education
tel.: +7(727)397-39-45

Сарыбаева Гуля Куантаевна

Sarybaeva Gulya Kuantaevna
Head of Department of Scientific Management and International Affairs
tel .: +7 (727) 397-42-14