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December 27, 2024
On 25 December 2024, in a festive atmosphere, the HIV Prevention Centre of the city of Astana honoured the physician and psychotherapist Aktota Erezhep, a participant in the national competition «Zhyl uzdigi- 2024».
By the decision of the Society of Medical Workers of Kazakhstan, A. Erezhep was awarded the Order of «Ibn Sina I Degree» and the Order of «Excellent Health Care Worker» for her significant contribution to the development of health care.
She has over 20 years' experience in psychotherapy and anaesthesia, and has worked at the Astana HIV Preventative Centre for over 5 years. It is responsible for the reception and counselling of patients who have registered on a voluntary, anonymous and clinical basis. Offering psycho-social counselling to key populations and people living with HIV that are on the register.