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December 27, 2024
On December 26, representatives of CNDDIZ, international and non-governmental organizations discussed at a round table strengthening cooperation to reduce the cost and increase the availability of test systems for rapid HIV diagnosis.
The organizer of the event is the AGEP'C Public Foundation, whose director S. Biryukov spoke about the analysis of the situation in the country in 2022-2023. The need for further development of self-testing as the easiest way to find out your HIV status was noted. Rapid tests on the perioral fluid are actively used in non-governmental organizations.
The East Kazakhstan region is an example of a price reduction by a third with an increase in purchases of rapid tests for near-spring fluid.
The participants noted that HIV testing is steadily increasing in Kazakhstan. More than 17 percent of Kazakhstanis have already used this service this year. Over the past 20 years, HIV testing coverage in the country has increased almost fivefold. It is planned to create a new testing algorithm in Kazakhstan in 2025.
More than 30 rapid HIV tests have been registered in Kazakhstan today. Validation studies and algorithm verification are needed to further expand testing access. This will make it possible to select the most effective tests to include in the HIV testing algorithm.