A gallery about the history of the service has opened at the HIV Center


December 26, 2024

Pursuant to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12 January 1995 «On Implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Preventing and Combating AIDS», the «Akmola Regional Centre for Preventing and Combating AIDS» was created on the basis of the Decision of the Akim of the Akmola Oblast #60 dated 21June 1996, by the Order of the Head of the Regional Public Health Department dated 25 June 1996 №54-1.

The centre was renamed City Centre due to the relocation of the capital.

From the first day of its creation, all the necessary steps have been taken to strengthen the material and technical basis, the staff capacities, and the resources have been allocated for the purchase of laboratory and cooling equipment, diagnostic kits and office equipment.

Director Kanat Askarov told the staff and guests at the event: «The principles of organisation and management that laid the foundation of the Centre more than 25 years ago have been preserved and today, thanks to the experience, mentoring and continuity of generations, we've preserved and are working together to strengthen the capacity and image of our organisation.

The opening ceremony of the gallery was attended by the chief physician Alexander Lebedev who headed the Centre from 1996 to 2009 and from 2009 to 2014, Sabit Abdraimov, Kanat Askarov.

A.S. Lebedev thanked his colleagues and the Centre's management for having reminded him of the history of HIV care in the capital. Alexander Sergeyevich, the first head physician, said in his speech: «That was the first time we learned a lot of information about HIV and AIDS. Much effort and money went into making all the structures of the centre work. I am happy and touched by the warmth of your welcome here. I can recall the first HIV test, the first laboratory, all the health professionals at the beginning.   

The presentation of an exhibition with photos of the former directors of the Centre and of the team, starting from the day of its foundation, was also well received by the staff.

I think that everyone should know the history of his or her team, of all the managers who have worked in the different years and who have made a great contribution to the development of the Centre. Because many things were new, the older generation of doctors and nurses invested a lot of knowledge and effort to ensure that from the very first days of medical care for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection was of high quality and effective, and we are very grateful for this6», - said Dr. Aigerim Akhmetova.

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