Monitoring visit to Kostanay region


August 19, 2022

From August 15 to 19, specialists from the KSCDIZ of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducted a monitoring visit to the AIDS Center and medical organizations in Kostanay region.

The purpose of the event is advisory and methodological assistance on the issues of diagnosis, prevention and provision of medical services to people living with HIV and prevention of the vertical route of HIV transmission.

KSCDIZ specialists consulted medical workers of the regional hospital, city polyclinics No. 2 and 3, the mental health center of Kostanay region on HIV prevention. Questions were discussed:

mother-to-child transmission of HIV (provision of breast milk substitutes, antiretroviral drugs, rapid tests, drugs to suppress lactation);

HIV testing of the population, pregnant women in childbirth, children after childbirth, patients receiving inpatient care, sexual partners of pregnant women, key populations and people who use drugs;

provision of services for the treatment of viral hepatitis C in PLHIV;

providing medical and psychological assistance to people who use drugs, including at the PHC level;

provision of opioid agonist maintenance therapy services;

emergency situations;

delivery of the test material to the laboratory.

In the regional AIDS center, KSCDIZ specialists monitored and assessed: - the quality of dynamic monitoring of PLHIV and the maintenance of outpatient patient records;

drug management,

effectiveness of PMTCT,

treatment of children with perinatal contact and HIV infection,

laboratory activities with an analysis of the completeness, timing and quality of biological material sampling,

the work of PHC on screening the population for the presence of HIV infection according to clinical indications for the purpose of early detection,

friendly office work.

Based on the results of the monitoring visit, KSCDIZ specialists prepared specific recommendations for improving the work of the clinical, epidemiological and laboratory departments of the RCAIDS and drug management.

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