To the 90th anniversary of the Atyrau Dermatovenerologic Dispensary


July 25, 2022

Atyrau Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary was founded in 1935. Then it was the Guryev Regional Children's Fungal Hospital. Today it is a modern medical institution.

The dispensary includes a polyclinic for 70 visits per shift, a hospital for 36 beds, of which 10 are for children, a self-supporting department with rooms for periodic preventive medical examinations and physiotherapy, with PCR and ELISA diagnostics.

A special story about the diagnostic laboratory of the dispensary. It consists of four subdivisions: - clinical-diagnostic, serological, PCR and ELISA laboratories. Atyrau residents can take tests and get results about various diseases. Among them are pemphigus, syphilis, scabies, nine sexually transmitted infections, a fungus and others.

On average, laboratory employees do three thousand analyzes per month for the Wasserman reaction, 800 for fungus, and 900 for PCR.

Doctors, nurses and laboratory assistants are constantly trained and improve their professional skills. Laboratory assistants are annually trained at the Kazakh Scientific Center for Dermatology and Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This allows not only to gain new knowledge, but also to expand the range of dispensary services for the population of the region. So, recently new services have appeared in the laboratory of the institution - tests for VDRL, TPHA - a treponemal test, RIF - an express method for detecting infection for syphilis.

... Almost ninety years ago, the Guryev Regional Children's Fungal Hospital had three departments: medical, accounting and administrative. Five medical and two epilation nurses worked here.

- Today, our institution has 73 employees: 8 doctors and

27 paramedics. Last year, 828 patients received hospital treatment. The polyclinic department is represented by rooms for receiving patients with skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections, a mycological room, and a room for receiving children. All workplaces in the clinic and in the hospital are computerized. Most of the activities of dermatovenereologists are aimed at providing medical care to patients with diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, says director Mira Urazovna Berdesheva.

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