Results of the implementation of the 1st year of the project by subcontractors of the GF grant in the Karaganda region


February 2, 2022



On February 2, KSCDIZ and the implementation team of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria held a working meeting to discuss progress, problems and ways to solve them with NGO "GALA", "Umit", charitable foundation "Shapagat", ALE "Doverie" and the AIDS Center Karaganda region.


The leaders of non-governmental organizations spoke about the results of work for 2021.

All achieved the expected results.NGO "GALA"The number of MSM covered by prevention programs is 1102.Number of clients surveyed on the basis of NGOs - 979.New cases of HIV -10.The organization has 13 outreach workers. Webinars are held monthly with them, including those on psycho-emotional counseling, express testing, and teamwork. To improve work on the prevention of STIs, a proctologist is needed.NGO "Umit"Number of PWID covered by prevention programs- 2317.2048 people were examined for HIV in NGOs.New HIV cases - 12.There are 25 outreaches. They are all PWID. A city mapping system has been created. Seminars and trainings are organized for outreach workers. Among the trainers are medical workers - infectious disease specialists, phthisiatricians, as well as psychologists.OBF "Shapagat"The number of clients covered by the services of peer consultants is 537.Number of ART clients covered by adherence services – 457.The organization has two multidisciplinary teams. There is a patient school for 194 people living with HIV. Self-help groups are held weekly. But some people living with HIV and representatives of key groups, due to the lack of insurance status in the compulsory medical insurance system, experience difficulties in obtaining medical services in PHC.ALE "Trust"Number of PWID covered by prevention programs - 2250.The number of clients examined on the basis of NGOs - 1415.New HIV cases - 30.The organization has 21 outreach workers. The association won a state social order grant. The photo exhibition “Your choice is your future” became an image event with a positive public resonance. To work more effectively with PWID, the organization needs insulin needles and additional alcohol pads.The participants expressed their gratitude to the GF for providing the near-gingival rapid tests, and also noted the high quality of condoms and lubricants received under the grant.- I would like to note that the issues raised by us at the last congress of PLHIV have been resolved, especially in terms of changing the budget of the grant. We are ready to continue to work actively to achieve the goals 95-95-95, - said Z. Ruzhnikova, Shapagat Charitable Foundation.



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